
1) Str is a pointer to a char, which you havent pointed to any memory or given its own memory to use.

2) Str name = "joe, you forgot to close the quotation and use the semi colon.

3) After using Str name = new char[10] (length of 10 chars for example), you will need to use strcpy (I believe) from .. <cstdlib> or one of those C #include files, that have functions to copy text to arrays.

You can still edit them 1 char at a time though without using that #include:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

typedef char* Str;
int main()
    Str name = new char[10];

    name[1] = 'i';
    cout << name << endl;
return 0;
Not to suggest you should do this.. not really the most efficient thing to be doing, but if you wanted to do it the way you have in your topic post.