Thread: Is there a simple answer?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Is there a simple answer?

    Hi i'm trying to input a question in a window program. The box can either be pressed or not pressed but how do i find out what state it is in (pressed or not). I got some help from another web page but the example they gave me only let you tick the box and untick it:
    //create a push button
    CreateWindowEx(0, //more or 'extended' styles
    TEXT("BUTTON"), //'class' of control to create
    TEXT("PUSH BUTTON"), //the control caption
    WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON, //control style: how it looks
    10, //control position: left
    50, //control position: top
    200, //control width
    30, //control height
    hwnd, //parent window handle
    NULL, //control's ID
    hInst, //application instance

    Please Help.
    Thanks Jamazon

  2. #2
    of Zen Hall zen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If you're creating a button with the above code, then it will send a WM_COMMAND message with the buttons id as the WPARAM whenever it's pushed. If you want to check for this then you'll have to give it an id when creating it -

    CreateWindowEx(0, //more or 'extended' styles
    TEXT("BUTTON"), //'class' of control to create
    TEXT("PUSH BUTTON"), //the control caption
    WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON, //control style: how it looks
    10, //control position: left
    50, //control position: top
    200, //control width
    30, //control height
    hWnd, //parent window handle
    (HMENU)1, //control's ID
    hInst,0); //application instance

    and then test for it being pushed with -

    case WM_COMMAND:
    case 1: //Do something

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    How do i know what state the button is in, toggled on non-toggled. The example above will work when you just press the button on or off, how do I do it so that it works only when the button is on?

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