Hey i am using microsofts visual c++ 2005 express edition beta
and i keep getting this dum error with this function i try to compile:
System::Void  SetRadioValues()
		System::String^ val = Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey::GetValue("HKCU\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System\\DisableCMD");
the line "System::String^ val = Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey::GetValue("HKCU\\Sof tware\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System\\Disab leCMD");"

is what gives me the trouble, i get this error:
error C2352: 'Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey::GetValue' : illegal call of non-static member function
c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework\v2.0.50215\msco rlib.dll : see declaration of 'Microsoft::Win32::RegistryKey::GetValue'

so am i not setting it up right or something if some one could plz show me how to set this up right so i can get the value of that key that be great thx.