for my introduction to c++ class i was given an assignment to create a program that reverses the digits of a number. The class is online so it's hard for the instructor to help me. I've been waiting for three days for a reply. I need some help on this. Here is what i have. What am i doing wrong? how should i change it? Nothing too advanced here, since it is an introduction class.
#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;

#include <iomanip>

int reverseDigits (int d, int n, int m);

int main()
   int number;

   cout << "Enter a number: ";
   cin >> number;
   cout << "The number with its digits reversed is: "
        << reverseDigits
        << endl;

   return 0;

} // end main

// function reverseDigits definition
int reverseDigits (int d, int n, int m)
	int reverse;
	while ( n > 0 ) {

         ( d = n % 10 )
			 ( m = m * 10 + d )
			 ( n = n / 10 );
			 reverse = m;

			 return reverse;

   } // end while

} // end function reverseDigits