Thread: Selection Sort problem #2

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  1. #1
    Code Monkey
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Selection Sort problem #2

    Hey guys, I've had a similar topic before - but this isn't about the fundamental workings of Selection Sort this time.

    I am using vectors in correspondence with the selection sort algorithm. (Just for fun and games)...However, I'm getting an annoying error that I cannot think of why it's happening (Because I changed the code around a bit - but this line is deciding to act up now...When it's fundamentally the same as it was before).

    Anyhoo - here's the code.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    	vector<int> Selected_Numbers;
    	int number;
    	bool quit = false;
    	int decision;
    		cout<<"(1)Enter a number, or (2)quit, or (3)continue"<<endl;
    		cin >>decision;
    		switch (decision)
    		case 1:
    				cout<<"What number is it?"<<endl;
    				cin >>number;
    		case 2:
    				quit = true;
    		case 3:
    			int LowestNumber = 0;
    			int CurrentNumber = 0;
    			for(vector<int>::iterator iter = Selected_Numbers.begin();
    				iter != Selected_Numbers.end(); ++iter)
    				CurrentNumber = *iter;
    				if(LowestNumber <= CurrentNumber)
    					 LowestNumber = CurrentNumber;
    					 Selected_Numbers.begin() = LowestNumber; 
    /*^This is the line generating
    the problem. Compiler says 
    'error C2679: binary '=' :
    no operator found 
    which takes a right-hand 
    operand of type 'int' 
    (or there is no acceptable 
    conversion)' */
    				}//Close if1
    				cout<<"Next Number...."<<endl<<endl;
    				}//close else1
    			}//close For1
    		cout<<"Alrighty then...All has been arranged from lowest - highest"<<endl<<endl;
    		for(vector<int>::iterator iter = Selected_Numbers.begin();
    			iter != Selected_Numbers.end(); ++iter)
    			}//close For 2
    		}//Close Switch
    	}//Close While
    }//Close Main
    Any help will be much appreciated....I do understand what the error says - but I don't know why it's saying it! Cos before, it worked exactly the same (I had to make a change to the code to get Selection Sort to work, by adding the variable 'current number').

    - Twigstar
    Last edited by Twigstar; 07-11-2005 at 06:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Try the following it work on my IDE/Compiler

    #include <algorithm>
    and then

    sort(Selected_Numbers.begin(), Selected_Numbers.end());

  3. #3
    Code Monkey
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Oh, this is just personal practice...I wouldn't want to use a predefined method....Although it's nice to know there is one!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Possibly this might help

    vector<int> myIV;
    myIV[0] = 10;

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If you are trying to assign the LowestNumber to the first entry in the vector, then you want this:

    *(Selected_Numbers.begin()) = LowestNumber;

    This will fix your compiler error because you dereference the iterator so that you aren't assigning to it, but your selection sort algorithm will still need some work.
    Last edited by Daved; 07-11-2005 at 07:04 PM.

  6. #6
    Code Monkey
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    You're right in both cases. It works now and it doesn't.

    Hmm, I'll ponder on this one.

    Also, I wanted to use an Iterator, and not subscripting - again, for my own personal practice - thanks anyway!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    here one i wrote to sort a regualr array
    maybe you can use it to better understand
    how to sort the vector

    char alphabet[4];
    char check;
    for(int i = 0; i != 3; i++)
    	for(int j = 0; j != 2; j++)
    		if(alphabet[j] > alphabet[j+1])
    			check = alphabet[j];
    			alphabet[j] = alphabet[j+1];
    			alphabet[j+1] = check;

  8. #8
    Code Monkey
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sorry to double post...Wasn't letting me edit for some bizarre reason.

    Anyhoo, I slapped myself when I realised this piece of code:

    if(LowestNumber <= CurrentNumber)
    lol! I can be quite silly sometimes. So my new code switched them around...And then we have more problems! Here's the 'Selection Sort' part of the code.

    for(vector<int>::iterator iter = Selected_Numbers.begin();
    				iter != Selected_Numbers.end(); ++iter)
    				CurrentNumber = *iter;
    				if(CurrentNumber <= LowestNumber)
    					 LowestNumber = CurrentNumber;
    					 *(Selected_Numbers.begin()) = LowestNumber;
    				}//Close if1
    				cout<<"Next Number...."<<endl<<endl;
    				}//close else1
    It works better than before...Cos before, I typed in '3, 2, 1' - and the sort turned it into '3, 2, 1'.....But now, I put in the same - and for some bizzare reason, it returns '1, 2, 1'.....

    I can't seem to see where LowestNumber would pick up '1' again...And also omit the three....

    Any pointers?

    [Edit]...[It worked!]

    Pointer(iterator) arithmitic! Damn...So I just check the next element up in the same go, compare it, and then swap if true. And then +1 to the iter...Ok, I'll give it a bash - cheers 'IloveVectors'(What an appropiate name for this situation, lol)...I'd still like to know how that 1 got there instead of the three though, lol
    Last edited by Twigstar; 07-11-2005 at 07:32 PM.

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