I'm having a bit of trouble with friend functions and classes...

I know that you can have a class be freely accessed by a certain function if you use the friend operator...

class MyClassType;
int A( MyClassType* MyClass );

class MyClassType
   friend int A( MyClassType* MyClass );

   int B;

int A( MyClassType* MyClass )
   MyClass->B = 3;
IIRC, this lets A() access anything it wants in the MyClassType. What do I do if I only want A() to be able to call one function in a certain class?

class GCoreType;
bool HandleEvent( GCoreType* Core, EventType* Event );

class GCoreType
   ... // Data and stuff
   bool ReceiveCommandFromHandleEvent( int Command ) friend bool HandleEvent( GCoreType* Core, EventType* Event );

   ... // Other stuff

bool HandleEvent( GCoreType* Core, EventType* Event )
   if( Event->eType == appStopEvent )
      Core->ReceiveCommandFromHandleEvent( 0 );

   return true;
What I'm trying to do is instead of making the entire GCoreType class accessible to the HandleEvent function, i just want ONE function on the GCoreType to be accessible (along with all the public junk of course).

I know that up there is syntactically incorrect. What I want to know is if what I'm trying to do is possible.
