Hey guys - I've been using VS.NET for a while now, to practice my super cool skills...But now I'm making a project that I wish to distribute (a MUD)...And, well...I've never noticed my programmes weren't making executables (I'd keep on debugging it till it worked, and left em at that)....

In test, I send over a windows programme I made (A bare bones Window) to see if one of my mates can open it....And he says he gets hit with a warning saying "mscoree.dll" is missing or something.

This is really sucky...And I can't use Dev-C++, cos their project management/organisation system confuses the hell out of me.

Also note, that any .exe is in the debug folder, and no where else...So do I have to save the project compilation somewhere else or something?

Any speedy help and/or advice would really kick arse.

- Twigstar