Hello all -

I've read C++ for Dummies, and I'm working my way through Accelerated C++ based on the advice of this board.

I created this app from scratch but it's rough, I'm hoping for suggestions on how to improve it. I've got some database, music, and Windows projects in mind using Visual C++.Net after I get the hang of basic programming with DevC++.

Thanks in advance - JM

// Pace Calculator
// Input Minutes and Seconds run
// as well as mileage

// Output is pace per mile and miles per hour



// say what standard-library names we use
using std::cin;              using std::endl;
using std::cout;            

int main()
    // print program purpose
    cout<<"Pace Calculator"<<endl<<endl;
    // ask for the minutes
    cout<<"Please enter minutes run ";
    // read minutes
    int minutes = 0;
    // and seconds
    cout<<"and seconds ";
    int seconds = 0;
    // ask for mileage
    cout<<"What was the mileage? ";
    double mileage = 0;
    //Do the math for pace per mile
    double TotSeconds = 0;
    TotSeconds = minutes * 60 + seconds;
    double PaceSeconds = 0;
    PaceSeconds = TotSeconds/mileage;
    int PaceMinutes = 0;
    PaceMinutes = TotSeconds/mileage/60;
    PaceSeconds = PaceSeconds - PaceMinutes * 60;

    // Print pace per mile
    cout<<"Pace per mile was "<<PaceMinutes<<":"<<PaceSeconds<<endl;
    // Calculate MPH
    double MPH = 0;
    MPH = 60*60 / (TotSeconds/mileage);
    // Print MPH
    cout<<endl<<"which is "<<MPH<<" MPH"<<endl;
    return 0;