Sorry for the newbish question... I searched the forums and googled it but I got different answers =\

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base
	int Num;

		Num = 3;

	Base( int _Num )
		Num = _Num;

	int GetNum()
		return Num;

class Derived : public Base

int main()
	Derived Mine;

	cout << Mine.GetNum() << endl;
Outputs 3.

So I have a Derived called Mine... and it inherits from Base. Base has a private integer called Num. But Num is private! How can Derived have it also, if it's private? Private members shouldn't be inherited!

Some sources say that private members are not inherited, and not accessible from the outside (except for friends). Yet if they're not inherited, then why does Derived have it?

Thanks for your help!

- Evan