Thread: Error checking

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Error checking

    I am working on this currency program, so far it works however whenever a user is prompted to enter an amount and enters a bunch of letters the program goes crazy. For example a user enters "afbajkdbak" - program goes in a infinite loop and I have to close the program. When a user enters "11a" the program does the error checking and the program still works. What am I doing wrong, I tried changing my code around, but still it doesn't work quite right.

    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <iomanip.h>
    void main(void)
       // Declaration of Variables
    	const double Jap_Rate = 1.177;  // Japanese Rate
    	const double Can_Rate = 1.021;  // Canadian Rate
       const double Bpd_Rate = 1.559;  // British Pounds Rate
    	const double Aus_Rate = 0.652;  // Australian Rate
    	const double Eur_Rate = 1.833;  // Euro Rate
    	bool bCont = true;
     	char choice;              // Hold selection of which currency is chosen
    	char curName[25];        // Hold name of currency
    	double curRate;          // Hold foreign rates
    	float usAmount;          // Hold US dollar amount
    	double convertAmount;    // Hold converted amount
    	  cout << "\tCurrency Conversion Program"<< endl;
    	  cout << "\t---------------------------"<< endl << endl;
        // User will be prompted for input
    	  cout << "What currency would like to converted?" << endl;
    	  cout << "\t1 for Japanese Yen" << endl;
    	  cout << "\t2 for Canadian" << endl;
    	  cout << "\t3 for British Pounds" << endl;
    	  cout << "\t4 for Australian Dollar" << endl;
    	  cout << "\t5 for Euro" << endl;
         cout << "\t6 Exit" << endl;
         cin >> choice;
       // Switch for the currency type and rate
    		 case '1':
    			curRate = Jap_Rate;
    		 case '2':
    			curRate = Can_Rate;
    		 case '3':
    			 strcpy(curName,"British Pounds");
    			 curRate = Bpd_Rate;
    		 case '4':
    			 curRate = Aus_Rate;
    		 case '5':
    			 curRate = Eur_Rate;
           case '6':
    			 cout << "\tTry Again" << endl << endl;
    	  if(choice < '6'){
    	     // Get amount to be converted
    	     cout << "Enter amount to convert: ";
    	     cin >> usAmount;
            // Error checking for anything not numerical
            if(usAmount >= 0 && usAmount <= 10000){
                 // Perform conversion
    		     convertAmount = usAmount * curRate;
               // Conversion output
               // The following line formats the output to show a dollar format
               cout << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed) << setprecision(2);
    		     cout << "Rate as of today: " << usAmount << " of " << curName << " is ";
               cout << convertAmount << " US Dollar(s)." << endl << endl;
                cout << "\tError: Invalid Choice." << endl << endl;
                bCont = false;  // The loop will end upon invalid input
             cout << "\tError: Invalid Choice." << endl << endl;
           } while(bCont);
    } // End Main

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    float usAmount;   
    cout << "Enter amount to convert: ";
    cin >> usAmount;
    If a user enters letters, then your program attempts to read letters into a float variable, and cin goes haywire in response. In order to prevent your cin stream from going into error mode, you can read everything in as a string. Then, you can use what's called a stringstream to try and obtain a number from the input. An input stringstream is like a string object but you can use the operator>> on it to try and read data into variables of any type. An input stringstream works like this:
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    	string input = "12.3abc";
    	istringstream inStr(input);
    	float usAmount = 0;
    	if(usAmount != 0)
    		cout<<"please enter a number"<<endl;
    	string input2 = "abc2.4";
    	istringstream inStr2(input2);
    	usAmount = 0;
    	if(usAmount != 0)
    		cout<<"please enter a number"<<endl;
    	return 0;
    Last edited by 7stud; 06-09-2005 at 01:26 AM.

  3. #3
    VA National Guard The Brain's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Manassas, VA USA
    By adding this cin.clear( ), we can clear the instream buffer if the attempt to (cin >> useramount) fails.. we can get rid of the garbage before starting another iteration of the do/while loop:

             cout << "\tError: Invalid Choice." << endl << endl;
    	 cin.clear();  //clear the instream buffer of a previous failed attempt to (cin >> float)
           } while(bCont);
    } // End Main

    if(choice < '6'){
    	     // Get amount to be converted
    	     usAmount = 0;  //IF the user enters bogus data, at least
                                //you won't be offering a currency exchange 
                                //display leftover from a previous loop iteration.
    	     cout << "Enter amount to convert: ";
    	     cin >> usAmount;
            // Error checking for anything not numerical
            if(usAmount >= 0 && usAmount <= 10000){

    [edit] Using stringstream though is a more robust approach to handling user input [/edit]
    Last edited by The Brain; 06-09-2005 at 02:11 AM.
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