Hey everyone I did a tutorial on a website that seems to combines C and C++ for the program witch is an inventory program.

Here it is. It runs and compiles fine but after I enter the data at the end it crashes on me. I am still new to C\C++ so any help is verry apreciated.

 // Program to perform file processing using the FILE structure
// Author: Jules Larson. Revised by Jeremy Jones 2005
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	char Make[20], Model[20];
	unsigned int CarYear;
	long Mileage;
	FILE *CarInventory = fopen("cars.inv", "w");
	cout << "Enter the following pieces of information\n";
	cout << "Make:	 "; gets(Make);
	cout << "Model:	"; gets(Model);
	cout << "Year:	"; cin >> CarYear;
	cout << "Mileage:  "; cin >> Mileage;
	fprintf(CarInventory, "%s\n", Make);
	fprintf(CarInventory, "%s\n", Model);
	fprintf(CarInventory, "%s\n", CarYear);
	fprintf(CarInventory, "%s\n", Mileage);

	FILE *Carinventory = fopen("cars.inv", "r+");
		 fscanf(CarInventory, "%s\n", Make);
		 fscanf(CarInventory, "%s\n", Model);
		 fscanf(CarInventory, "%d\n", &CarYear);
		 fscanf(CarInventory, "%d\n", &Mileage);
		 cout << "Information about the car";
		 cout << "\nMake:   " << Make;
		 cout << "\nModel:  " << Model;
		 cout << "\nYear:   " << CarYear;
		 cout << "\nMIleage:  " << Mileage;
		 cout << endl;
		 return 0;