Thread: I need some help

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    May 2005

    I need some help

    OK...i dont know if its too early at work, or what...but i shouldnt be having problems reading in some data and storing them into linked lists...does anyone see any errors with this code?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <fstream.h>
    class int_node
    		long item_num;
    		int_node *next;
    class text_node
    		char descr[150];
    		text_node *next;
    int main()
    	FILE *masterIntIn;
    	masterIntIn = fopen("C:\\Cplusplus\\dm\\bin\\master_int.txt" , "r");
    	FILE *itemLocateNumIn;
    	itemLocateNumIn = fopen("C:\\Cplusplus\\dm\\bin\\item_location_num.txt" , "r");
    	FILE *matchItemsOut;
    	matchItemsOut = fopen("C:\\Cplusplus\\dm\\bin\\matching.txt" , "w");
    	FILE *itemLocateDescrIn;
    	itemLocateDescrIn = fopen("C:\\Cplusplus\\dm\\bin\\item_location_descr.txt" , "r");
    	int_node *current_master;
    	int_node *root_master;
    	root_master = new int_node;
    	root_master->next = NULL;
    	current_master = root_master;
    	int_node *current_lnum;
    	int_node *root_lnum;
    	root_lnum = new int_node;
    	root_lnum->next = NULL;
    	current_lnum = root_lnum;
    	text_node *current_descr;
    	text_node *root_descr;
    	root_descr = new text_node;
    	root_descr->next = NULL;
    	current_descr = root_descr;
    	while ( !feof( itemLocateDescrIn ) )
    		char tempCh[150];
    		fgets( tempCh , itemLocateDescrIn , 150 );
    		strcpy( current_descr->descr , tempCh );
    		current_descr->next = new Text_node;
    		current_descr = current_descr->next;
    		current_descr->next = NULL;
    	while ( !feof( masterIntIn ) )
    		long tempLong;
    		fscanf( masterIntIn , "%ld" , &tempLong ); 
    		strcpy( current_master->item_num , tempLong );
    		current_master->next = new Int_node;
    		current_master = current_master->next;
    		current_master->next = NULL;
    	while ( !feof( itemLocateNumIn ) )
    		long tempLong;
    		fscanf( itemLocateNumIn , "%ld" , &tempLong ); 
    		strcpy( current_lnum->item_num , tempLong );
    		current_lnum->next = new Int_node;
    		current_lnum = current_lnum->next;
    		current_lnum->next = NULL;
    	current_descr = root_descr;
    	current_master = root_master;
    	current_lnum = root_lnum;
    	while ( current_master->next != NULL )
    		printf("%l \n" , current_master->item_num);
    		current_master = current_master->next;
    	return 0;


  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
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    The edge of the known universe
    Is this the problem of outputting the last record twice, or some other problem?

    > while ( !feof( itemLocateNumIn ) )
    Why you shouldn't do this is in the FAQ
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
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  3. #3
    Registered User hk_mp5kpdw's Avatar
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    Since this is the C++ board, I would say you should try to stick with the C++ headers and C++ stream I/O; drop the FILE*, fopens and printfs in favor of ofstream/ifstream and cout. You can also simplify things greatly by switching to a STL container instead of your linked list.

    One error you have is this:

    while ( !feof( masterIntIn ) )
        long tempLong;
        fscanf( masterIntIn , "%ld" , &tempLong ); 
        strcpy( current_master->item_num , tempLong );
        current_master->next = new Int_node;
        current_master = current_master->next;
        current_master->next = NULL;
    while ( !feof( itemLocateNumIn ) )
        long tempLong;
        fscanf( itemLocateNumIn , "%ld" , &tempLong ); 
        strcpy( current_lnum->item_num , tempLong );
        current_lnum->next = new Int_node;
        current_lnum = current_lnum->next;
        current_lnum->next = NULL;
    You do not use strcpy to copy a long value into another long value. A simple assignment (=) should be all you need.

    Try to use C++ to your advantage. If you follow my suggestion of using an STL container, the code to process the master_int file (for example) could be replaced with:

    ifstream masterIntIn("C:\\Cplusplus\\dm\\bin\\master_int.txt");
    list<long> longList;  // Linked-list object to store values into
    // Make sure file was opened
    if( !masterIntIn.is_open() )
        cerr << "Error, could not open master_int.txt file." << endl;
    // Read all values from "masterIntIn" file and store into "longList" linked-list object
    You would need to include <list>, <algorithm>, and possibly <iterator> to get the above code to work.
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