I know I'm picky, but I can't find my idea of a good c++ book. If you know anything that comes close, please tell me. Here's what I want:

1. My biggest wish is for alphabetical lookup.
I want to be able to find "new" or "for" or "delete" in less than 10 tries.

2. And I'm always looking for syntax examples.
I once spent 15 minutes searching for whether the 3rd entry in a for statement is supposed to be followed by a ";".

3. And I need thorough coverage:
I am always unsuccessfully trying to remember, for example, which "include" I need to make some function available.

4. And I need a list of gotcha's.
E.g: why would a "delete" statement cause a "fatal runtime error". Yes, I sometimes create unusual errors, but mostly they're the ones everybody else makes too.

5. For all of this, I need an honest index, not a list of pages where the word appears. Example: Looking for "Recursion" in Deitel & Deitel "How to program" (which is an ok book) I found probably 30 entries all referring to 1 useless self-serving page that mentions 30 recursion exercises without saying where they are. Besides, I was looking for explanations, not exercises.

Here are a couple of optional things I would appreciate:
1. A book that does not assume that I have never heard of a for-loop.
2. A book that does not assume I know C.
3. A book that cuts to the chase instead of wording me to death.
thanx for your suggestions