Thread: String Lifetime & Scope

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    String Lifetime & Scope

    Currently I am working to create a command line function that will alter data from an ini file.

    The catch is to do this I will change the string in the startup array in the object defined. The code is restricted to not use C++ strings, but character arrays.

    program <name>=<value>

    My issue seems to be that if I want to do

    program <name>=<value> <name>=<value> it will overwrite the data needed.

    for( command line args)
      char argument[256];
      char *name;
      char *value;
      //tokenize argument into name and value
      //insert into object
    Now even if I was to put all those variables outside the loop the issue still comes up that another pair overwrites argument.
    Is there a way to make sure each argument creates new memory without having to allocate it?
    or is allocating memory the only way?

    btw: I also have thought about changing name and value to their own char arrays but this shouldn't make a difference because I believe my problem has to do with scope and lifetime, not the variables I am using (unless Im completely wrong)

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    You could have an array of names and values.
      //Up to five names
      char *name[5];
      char *value[5];
    Or you could group name and value into a struct, and have an array of the struct.
    struct Arguments
      char *name;
      char *value;
    Arguments arg[5];

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Jan 2005
    You must copy the string into each object. If your object contains a static length character array (like your argument variable above), you can just strcpy the values on insert. If your object contains a char* variable, then before calling strcpy you must allocate space for that object's copy of the string and deallocate that space when the object is destructed.

  4. #4
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    Well the object contains a ptr to the string, so thanks for all your help.

    I think I'm going to use an array to easily limit the amount of pairs that can be changed and will have to worry a little bit less about the memory mgmt (thats the only part I still am not a fan of with C/C++ compared to other languages)

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Jan 2005
    Of course, you should probably not complain about the memory management required by C++ since the language provides the C++ string class for that purpose. It is not the language's fault that you code is restricted to not use the tools provided.

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