Quote Originally Posted by JoshR
Read up on fstream

you need to change the string to a c style string
like this:
void lfuncWrite(string lsFiletowrite, string lsContentstowrite)
	ofstream File;
	char* fn = lsFiletowrite.c_str();
	File.open(fn); //load for output (writing) and delete contents.
	File << lsContentstowrite; //write.
	File.close(); //close the file when done
	cout << "Done.";
JoshR, the changes you made are not necessary, I assume/hope you only did them to show what is going on.

void lfuncWrite(string lsFiletowrite, string lsContentstowrite)
	ofstream File(lsFiletowrite.c_str()); //load for output (writing) and delete contents.
	File << lsContentstowrite;	//write.
	cout << "Done.";
iamthejake2000, The code in red is all you need.