
I've created 2 classes, called TEST1 and TEST2. In TEST1, I've declared a STL vector of the TEST2 class. Each time my program is run, there is a random number generated which specifies the number of instances of TEST2 that should be contained within the vector. That obviously required a initialisation function which I've written below

vector<TEST2> test2_list;

for (int i = 0; i < random_num; i++)
		TEST2 *temp = new TEST2(param1, param2, param3);
This works great. It initialises the vector exactly as I need it.

My question is now on how do I delete the memory that I used with the new command once the program has stopped running.

Do I put in the deconstructor of TEST1 a command to clear the vector. Will that delete the memory ?

Or do I need to put something in the deconstructor of TEST2 like

delete this;
Unsure on how to delete this memory again once this program is complete. Obviously at the moment, I've got some memory leak so it's certainly a problem.

Any help, would be much appreciated.
