Ok so what im trying to do now is learn how to use the "Heap",
(if anyone has a tutorial for this that would be great)

so in this program im getting input from the user and sending it into char input[10]; using cin.getline

i then want to send that input into a function that will then Create a "Heap" space that is the size of the input

then put the input onto the heap and have the function return the "heap input" into main and then display the message

this program is very flawed obviously
//Written By : Andrew Bomstad
// "Heap Work"

#define cls system("cls")
#define pause system("pause")

using namespace std;
char heap(char *p);

int main()
    char input[10];
    char h = heap(input);
    return 0;

char heap(char *p)
     char *h = new char [p,len(p + 1)];
     return h;     
any help on this would be great!