
I try to build the Intel CAMshift ColorTracker. This tool uses the so-called fsf-framework. The building output lists A LOT of linking errors. The first one is copied into this posting. Th strange thing is that using the verbose build output there is the message, that the external symbols were found while searching the library files (see below).


Searching C:\Documents and Settings\hajohoff\My Documents\camshift etc\fsfdbg_0.7\FsfDbg\Debug\FsfDbg.lib:
Found "public: virtual bool __thiscall fsf::CActiveFilter<class fsf::CNode>::TestType(class fsf::CNode *)"

(?TestType@?$CActiveFilter@VCNode@fsf@@@fsf@@UAE_N PAVCNode@2@@Z)
Referenced in ColorTracking.obj
Referenced in ColorTrackingModule.obj
Referenced in DshLiveInputModule.obj
Loaded FsfDbg.lib(FsfDbg.dll)


ColorTracking.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall

fsf::CActiveFilter<class fsf::CTypeNode<struct CvBox2D> >::TestType(class fsf::CNode *)"

(?TestType@?$CActiveFilter@V?$CTypeNode@UCvBox2D@@ @fsf@@@fsf@@UAE_NPAVCNode@2@@Z)


I am using VisualStudio .net 2003

Does anybody have an idea what could be the reason for this kind of linking error?

Hajo Hoffmann