I have heard that memory fragmentation can be a problem in memory-munching programs, and I have also heard that garbage collection (if that's the correct term) works wonders for it. So, since C++ has no native garbage collector, I'm working on how to write one myself. The design goes thusly:

#include <vector>

// type used for the "pointers", which are just big long integers as far as the system is concerned
typedef unsigned long int MemPtr;

// this is a structure to store allocation block entries
struct MemoryChunk {
     MemPtr start;    // index into MemoryPile's heap
     MemPtr length;     // length of allocation block

// bool active;     // may be necessary
     // functions to fiddle with this
     inline void quickSet(MemPtr _s, MemPtr _l) {
          start = _s;
          length = _l;
     MemoryChunk( MemPtr _s, MemPtr _l) {

class MemoryPile {
     vector<MemoryChunk> blocks;  // vector of allocation blocks
          // for some reason I'm getting "error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'vector' with no type" for the above...
     char * memheap; // pointer to our custom heap
     MemPtr size; // size of the heap
     MemPtr nextfree; // next free index point

     MemoryPile(MemPtr _size) {
          size = _size;
          memheap = new char[size]; // allocate the heap
          // initalize vector here?
          // check for failure here
          nextfree = 0;
     ~MemoryPile() {
          delete [] memheap;

     // groups all the allocated blocks together at the beginning of memheap
     // also erases all MemoryChunks with values {0,0}
     void Collect_Garbage() {
          // can't be bothered to type out the algorithm properly ATM
          // so you get pseudocode
          /* Iterate through the vector blocks
           * Erase all blank {0,0} entries
           * if (blocks[0].start != 0) memmove(memheap,
           *                                      memheap + blocks[0].start,
           *                                      blocks[0].length);
           * Do this for each block i with for (i = 1; i <= blocks.size(); i++):
           *        memmove(memheap + blocks[i-1].start + blocks[i-1].length,
           *                  memheap + blocks[i].start,
           *                  blocks[i].length);
           * Do the above with STL iterators
           // rejoice

     // malloc-similar function
     MemPtr MP_malloc(size_t blocksize) {
          if (blocksize == 0) return 0;      // you can't allocate nothing, silly!
          /* add something to iterate through to find empty blocks
           * that are not at end here? requires a bit of redesign...
          if (nextfree + blocksize > size) { // if we're out of memory at end...
               Collect_Garbage();       // garbage collect and try again
               if (nextfree + blocksize > size) return 0;   // no memory: failure
          MemoryChunk newmem(nextfree, blocksize);     // make block
          blocks.push_back(newmem);     // put it into the list
          return blocks.size();    // return the block index for the pointer

     void MP_free(MemPtr targ) {
          if (targ > blocks.size()) return;
          blocks[targ - 1].quickSet(0,0);   // set to null for speed
          /* here we need to
           * set blocks[targ - 1].active = FALSE if I have created that flag.
           * see comment in MP_malloc()

     // should be an operator overriding new, but I need to resolve issues with that first...
     // syntax may not be correct...
     template<typename newType> MemPtr MP_new() {
          MemPtr targ = MP_malloc(sizeof(newType));
          if (targ == 0) return 0; // malloc failure?
          // CALL CONSTRUCTOR HERE???!!!!11
          // I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT!!
          /* Should be newType.newType() with dereference(targ)
           * as an argument of some sort...
          return targ;

     // should be an operator overriding delete, but I need to resolve issues with that first...
     // syntax may not be correct...
     template<typename newType> void MP_delete(MemPtr targ) {
          // maybe the following should do something more drastic instead?
          if (targ > blocks.size()) return; // do nothing if invalid pointer
          // CALL DESTRUCTOR HERE???!!!!11
          // I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT!!
          /* Should be newType.~newType() with dereference(targ)
           * as an argument of some sort...

     /* this should really be a template operator
      * but is a function returning void * for now.
      * Cast it yourself for now.
     void * dereference(MemPtr targ) {
          // error checking goes here
          return (void *)(memheap + blocks[targ - 1]);

Syntax check gave me an "OK"; haven't tried a real compile yet.

The problems are in the bolded lines. In order to implement "new", I need to be able to call the object's constructor manually after assigning it an address myself.

Notice also that valid MemPtr values used to dereference and whatnot are 1 or above, so you can still get a null pointer back if my custom malloc fails. Thus, when dereferencing MemPtr x, you use blocks[x - 1]. If you see me failing to do that somewhere, please tell me.

So, I've bombarded you with code. Comments, questions, and help, please? Thanks.