hi, im just trying to make a simple program, just to see wat i can do.

i want to no y this code doesnt run as expected, after the last line the program quits, without leaving time to view wat is supposed to be on the screen

help please

 #include <iostream>

using namespace std; // So we can see cout and endl

int main()
  int x = 0;  //  declare variables
  int answer;
  int y = 0;

  while ( x < 100000 ) { // While x is less than 100000
    cout<< x <<endl;
    x++;            // Update x so the condition can be met eventually
cout<< "Total files placed in your computer = " ;
cout << "99899 \n";
cout << "Happy holidays!.\n";

cout<< "Do you think im telling the truth?\n";
cout<< "1 = yes\n2 = no\n" ;
cin>> answer; //stores variable in answer
  if (answer = 0) {
  cout<< "Well if your not going to believe me......\n maybe i should add some more... would you like that? \n";

  //program should wait here, waiting for an input or enter stroke to quit
