ok im trying to create a menu program that will launch as soon as my pen drive is connected...problem is...while writing my code i have no idea what the Drive letter for my pen drive is until i get to that pc...

Obviously i dont want to open Dev C++ just to change the code to match that pc.. so is there a way to make a path that kinda either searches all the drives for the Executable or somthing...?

int sel = getch();
        if(sel == '1')
           system("..\\Linker\\Apps\\login2.exe");      //activates the .exe file for Login2
        if(sel == '2')
               system("..\\Linker\\Apps\\Warrior.exe"); //activates the .exe file for Warrior
        if(sel == '3')
               system("..\\Linker\\Apps\\PCLock.exe"); //activates the .exe file for PCLock 
that is a piece out of my code... i tried using ".." as the begining of the path but the complier didnt like that, anyhelp would be great