Hey, I'd like to introduce myself as I'm new here. You can all call me whatever you want if you choose to call me anything. I'm a very novice programmer as of now. The reson for this post is simple. I'd like your opinions on good reading materials, advice, etc. for a beginning C++ programmer.

My experience is very limited. I am familiar with HTML, not too big of an accomplishment. I am also on a good level with VB6 (again not something I'm incredibly proud of) and I can make the simplest of C++ programs.

My question here is this: Should a beginner start out with basic C++ or would it be fine to begin at Windows programming? I push myself very hard in things so either way I am up to meet the challenge, I just want to know what would be better to begin with.

Another thing... If any of you can recommend books that helped you or others learn the language, feel free to say so. I'd greatly appreciate it, any help at all. So thanks in advance.