//This code is supposed to ask the user to enter 5 players, name
//number and points scored.  It then calculates the total score of
// all players, added together.  It shows each individuals name, #
//and score.  Then it displays the players scores added together.
//Could someone please try the code and see if you can see why
//my program doesn't iterate through the code in the proper way?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct PlayerInfo
	char name[30];
	int playernumber;
	int points;

int main()

	int allplayerstotals;
	PlayerInfo players[5];
	int index;

	//Get player information.
	cout<<"Enter 5 players names, numbers and points scored.\n";
	for (index = 0; index < 5; index++)
		cout<<"Player # "<<(index + 1)<<"'s name? : ";
		cin.getline(players[index].name, 30);
		cout<<"Player's number? : ";
		cout<<"Player's points? : ";
	//Display player stats.
	for (index = 0; index < 5; index++)
		allplayerstotals += players[index].points;
		cout<<"Player # "<<(index + 1)<<"stats :\n";
		cout<<"Name :"<<players[index].name<<endl;
		cout<<"No.# :"<<players[index].playernumber<<endl;
        allplayerstotals += players[index].points;
		cout<<"All players' totals together are :"<<allplayerstotals;
	return 0;