Hi all,

I have a header file "realTreeNode.h" and starts like this;


#include "keyedItem.h"

using namespace std;

typedef KeyedItem TreeItemType;

const int MAX_DIFF_PAGE_NUMBERS = 50;

typedef void (*FunctionType)(TreeItemType& anItem, TreeItemType pageNumbers[MAX_DIFF_PAGE_NUMBERS]);

class TreeNode // a node in the tree 

In addition to this I have another header file "realBST.h" and starts like this;

#ifndef REALBST_H
#define REALBST_H

#include "realTreeException.h"
#include "realTreeNode.h"

typedef void (*FunctionType)(TreeItemType& anItem, TreeItemType pageNumbers[MAX_DIFF_PAGE_NUMBERS]);

class BinarySearchTree
The thing I want to do here is;

Creating a private BinarySearchTree object ( variable / property ) in TreeNode class.

However, when I add #include "realBST.h"in order to create a private BinarySearchTree member for TreeNode to "realTreeNode.h" file, it gives many irrelavent errors.

How could I solve this problem, any suggestions, any opinions would be helpful.

Best wishes,