I have created a basic palinedrome program that works fine when obtaining words using commands like
cin >> input;
, but I would like to elaborate and gets full sentences as inputs. I tried using the getline command, but my program crashes tremendously when in use. Maybe I am using it improperly? Some of my code is posted below:

 getline(cin, input);

	while (input[0] != '0') {
		front = 0;
	    back = input.length() - 1;
		palindrome = true;

		while (done == false) {
		    input[front] = tolower(input[front]);
			input[back] = tolower(input[back]);

            if (input[front] == input[back]) {
			} else {
				palindrome = false;
                done = true;
			if (front >= back) {
				done = true;


    if (palindrome == true) {
	   cout << "\"" << input << "\"" << " is a palindrome."  << endl;
	} else {
	   cout << "\"" << input << "\"" << " is not a palindrome." << endl;

	done = false;
	getline(cin, input);
Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Take care.