Thread: can't find <rect.h>

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    can't find <rect.h>

    I am trying to learn how to use EZWindows. It's hard because my copy of Visual Studio.Net gives me an error that "<rect.h> can't be found. Is my copy missing something? Where can I find <rect.h>

    Sorry the code is a mess.

    //Simple Window
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <rect.h>
    using namespace std;
    int ApiMain()
    	const float MowRate = 1.0;
    	const float PayRate = 6.0;
    	const int SecondsPerMinute = 60;
    	const int SecondsPerHour = SecondsPerMinute * 60;
    	const int DisplayWidth = 20;
    	const int DisplayHeight = 20;
    	const float ScaleFactor = 0.01;
    	cout << "Please use meters for all input\n" << endl;
    	int LawnLength;
    	cout << "Please enter the length of the lawn: ";
    	int LawnWidth;
    	cout << "Please enter the width of the lawn: ";
    	int HouseLength;
    	cout << "Please enter the length of the house: ";
    	int HouseWidth;
    	cout << "Please enter the width of the house: ";
    	cout << endl;
    	cout << "Yard size: " << LawnLength << " by " << LawnWidth << " meters: << endl;
    	cout << "House sizee: " << HouseLength << " by " << HouseWidth << " meters" << endl;
    	int MowableArea = (LawnLength * LawnWidth) - (HouseLength * HouseWidth);
    	int MowTimeInSeconds = MowableArea / MowRate;
    	int Hours = MowTimeInSeconds / SecondsPerHour;
    	int Minutes = (MowTimeInSeconds % SecondsPerHour) /SecondsPerMinute;
    	cout << "Approximate time to cut: " << Hours << " hour(s) << Minutes << "minute(s) << 
    	float DollarCost=MowTimeInSeconds*PayRate /  SecondsPerHour;            
    	int Dollars = DollarCost;
    	int Cents = (DollarCost - Dollars) * 100;
    	cout << "Cost to cut: " << Dollars << " dollar(s)" << " and " << Cents << " cent(s)" 
    		<< endl;
    	SimpleWindow Display("Lawn and House Plot", DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight);
    	RectangleShape Lawn(Display, DisplayWidth / 2.0, DisplayHeight / 2.0, Green, LawnLength 
    		* ScaleFactor, LawnWidth * ScaleFactor);
    	RectangleShape House(Display, DisplayWidth / 2.0,
    		DisplayHeight / 2.0, Yellow, HouseLength * ScaleFactor,
    		HouseWidth * ScaleFactor);
    	cout << "Type a character followed by a\n" << "return   to remove the display and exit"
    		<< endl;
    	char AnyChar;
    	cin >> AnyChar;
    	return 0;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    i suggest turning a page of 2 forward in your book
    i seem to have GCC 3.3.4
    But how do i start it?
    I dont have a menu for it or anything.

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