I have to do a homework that requires operator overloading. It's very simple , but i think i forgot alot about operator overloading.

I need to make a premitive string-like class that only has overloaded + and = signs.

Here's the header file :
#ifndef STRTYPE_H
#define STRTYPE_H

class StrType
public :

	StrType(char * = "\0");

	StrType &operator=(const StrType &);
	StrType operator+(const StrType &);

	void print(void);


private :

	char *ptr;


and the .cpp file :
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <cstring>

#include "strtype.h"

StrType::StrType(char *str)
	ptr = new char[strlen(str) + 1];

	strcpy(ptr, str);

StrType &StrType::operator=(const StrType &right)
	if( &right != this)
	delete [] ptr; // error always occur here

	ptr = new char[strlen(right.ptr) + 1];

	strcpy(ptr, right.ptr);

	return *this;

StrType StrType::operator+(const StrType &right)
	char *temp = new char[strlen(right.ptr) + strlen(ptr) + 1];

	strcpy(temp, ptr);
	strcat(temp, right.ptr);

	delete [] ptr;

	ptr = new char[strlen(temp) + 1];

	strcpy(ptr, temp);

	delete [] temp;

	return *this;

void StrType::print()
	cout << ptr;

	delete [] ptr;
Am i using the proper return types? My C++ book says that = should return a const reference of an object , but that doesn't make sense to me. Also , my operator= function always fail when trying to delete 'ptr' and show an error "debug assertion failed" in VC++. (hilighted in red)

I used to return a reference to an object in operator+ till i noticed that ' a = b + c + d' would modify objects b , c and d , so i let it return a copy of the object instead.

I just need help in those two operator's logic and return value.