Why are you messing with your object in the +operator? +operator should be a const operation.
StrType StrType::operator+(const StrType &right)
	char *temp = new char[strlen(right.ptr) + strlen(ptr) + 1];

	strcpy(temp, ptr);
	strcat(temp, right.ptr);

	delete [] ptr;  //why are you changing your object?

	ptr = new char[strlen(temp) + 1];

	strcpy(ptr, temp);

	delete [] temp;

	return *this;
You need to be returning a temporary object instead. If you want the compiler to check for problems like that, declare your function as const.
//in header
	StrType operator+(const StrType &) const;
//in implementation
	StrType StrType::operator+(const StrType &right) const
Additionally, implement a copy constructor. I promise that the one being generated by the compiler is not the one you want.