I've been trying to complete a program to the following specs. Although a lot of it is stumping me, and im wondering what im doing that is incorrect.

Below is basically what needs to be done.

Design and write a program that reads it's data from an input file whos external filename can be entered at run time. All data from the input file should be stored in five parallel arrays. Each line of the input file contains the following weather information:

Month Name
Total Rainfall
High Temperature
Low Temperature
Average Temperature

Once the file has been opened and the data has been stored in the internal array, the program should print out the data stored in the five parallel arrays. It should also calculate and display the following summary information:

Total Rainfall for the year
Average monthly rainfall
Highest and lowest temperatures for the year(and the months they occurred in)
Average of all monthly temperatures.

What it should look like.

Program Weather
This program will read a data file and store its contents in five parallel arrays. It will calculate and report the average monthly rainfall, total rainfall for the year , average of the monthly temperatures and the highest and lowest temperatures for the year.

Please enter the name of the input file: weather.dat

                     Total                     High                   Low                  Average
Month           Rainfall                 Temp                 Temp                    Temp
January           2.14                      34                      8                         20.4
February         1.59                      39                       6                        23.2
March             2.58                      51                      23                       38.7
Average monthly rainfall :                         XXX.XX
Total rainfall for year:                               XXX.XX
Average of monthly temp averages            XXX.XX
Highest Temperature                               XXX   (month_name)
Lowest Temperature                                XXX   (month_name)

This next portion is actually what I have accomplished.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

void screenHeader();
void resultsOutput();
void inputFile();

int main()
 float monRain[11], totRain[11], avgmonthTemp[11];
 int hiTemp[100], loTemp[100];
 string monthName[11];
 int lowTemp[11], highTemp[11];


return 0;

        void screenHeader()
         cout << "Program Weather" << endl;
         cout << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
         cout << "This program will read a data file and stores its contents"   << endl;
         cout << "in five parallel arrays. It will calculate and report the"    << endl;
         cout << "average monthly rainfall, total rainfall for the year,"       << endl;
         cout << "average of the monthly temperatures, and the highest and"     << endl;
         cout << "lowest temperatures for the year."                            << endl;
         cout << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

        void resultsOutput()
         float monRain[11], totRain[11], avgmonthTemp[11];
         int hiTemp[100], loTemp[100];
         string monthName[11];

         cout << "------------------------------------------------------------"       << endl;
         cout << "Average monthly rainfall:          " << monRain                     << endl;
         cout << "Total rainfall for year:           " << totRain                     << endl;
         cout << "Average of monthly temp.averages:  " << avgmonthTemp                << endl;
         cout << "Highest temperature:               " << hiTemp << "  " << monthName << endl;
cout << "Lowest temperature:                " << loTemp << "  " << monthName << endl;

        void inputFile()

         float monRain[11], totRain[11], avgmonthTemp[11];
         int hiTemp[100], loTemp[100];
         string monthName[11];

         int i;
         int lowTemp[11], highTemp[11];
         string highTempMo, lowTempMo;
         string fileName[50];
         cout << "Please enter the name of the input file:  " ;
         cin >> fileName;

         ifstream infile;

         for(i = 0 , i <12 , i++)
            infile      >> monthName[i]
                        >> monRain[i]
                        >> hiTemp[i]
                        >> loTemp[i]
                        >> avgmonthTemp[i]

            if(hiTemp[i] > highTemp) {
                highTemp = hiTemp[i];
                highTempMo = monthName[i];

            if(loTemp[i] < lowTemp)  {
                lowTemp = loTemp[i];
                lowTempMo = monthName[i];


Any help or insight on how to solve this, or any comments to lead me in the right direction would be great.