Hey everyone!

I program Palm OS for a hobby, and they have a structure in there that is used a lot throughout many programs.

struct RectangleType
        int X;
        int Y;
    } topLeft;

        int X;
        int Y;
    } extent;
So to use it, I do...

RectangleType Rect;
Rect.topLeft.x = 4;
...but I've been using my own convention for years, and it dictates that all variable names must have initial caps for every section, like MyStructType instead of Mystructtype or myStructType. And here's RectangleType, with the members that don't comply to my convention. I can deal with this, but it's annoying. Recently though, i thought up a solution. What if I typedef the members to be named something else?

typedef RectangleType::topLeft RectangleType::TopLeft;
Unfortunately this gives me errors. Can I even do this? If I can, what am I doing wrong? If this isn't possible, is there any other way to make it so I can use my own convention?
