Ok, basically i am CLUELESS as to how this would work. But none the less i figured i would ask and give it some insight.

I am trying to find a pattern with a few dif variables. It cannot be tested as you normally test things, its more of a living pattern if you will. Which makes it a bit harder. (ie i cant make all the variables stay the same and change one in many different ways and do that with each variable to get a better grasp. Basically they all change every.. we'll call it tick.)

Now i have been trying to find the formula at which these variables are calculated and i believe i have enough information, but looking over the mass data is getting me no where with my little mathmatics knowlage (never took like advanaced alg or statistics classes) so i was curious if there was a way to program a.. program to figure it out.

There is also a bit of randomness to these variables, but none the less.

So, could anyone give me any pointers with the simple description i gave you? I mean is there a way to make a program figure out a pattern i give it?
4 (+3)
3 (-1)
6 (+3)
5 (-1)
Thats an amazingly simple pattern, but can things like this be done? I assume this is partial AI, but its not learning persay, just doing what i told it to.. i dunno. Its hard to ask specifically what i need when i am so clueless to the pattern and my curiosity makes me need to know the formula behind it lol.

Pointers would be awesome, thanks!