Hello .
I dont know if it is the board that I can send this question or not , sorry if I am wrong .
I have a source code , but I am not sure that if it is in assembly or some another programming language .

do u know what is the meaning of " >> " or " << " ?

I know in ' C ' it is shift but in these codes ....?

here are some parts of the code :
{IPchecksum & IPTypeOfService & IPLength & IPTypeOfService are variable name}

.set IPchecksum = IPchecksum + (IPVersionLength<<8) + IPTypeOfService
.set IPchecksum = IPchecksum + (IPTypeOfService<<8) + IPLength
.MACRO UDPSendByte		;send to UDPport byte (given as parameter1)
	.if ((@0 >> 0)&1)
          out     UDPPort,RegForUDP1
          out     UDPPort,RegForUDP0
          out     UDPPort,RegForUDP0
          out     UDPPort,RegForUDP1
in      temp0, UDPPort                  ;load port state
        cbr     temp0, (1<<TxPlusPin)|(1<<TxMinusPin)          ;clear TX+ and TX-
	mov	temp1,temp0			;store the default state for recovering
	out     UDPPort,temp1			;back to port as default state - no voltage between TX pins

	sbr     temp0, (1<<TxMinusPin)          ;set TX- (TX+ was cleared)
        mov     RegForUDP0, temp0               ;and store as log0 state
and also what is the meaning of '@' , is it like pointers in 'c' ??
are they assembly codes ?
