i'm missing the first element in the vector, and have an extra one on the end which has a bad value in it. more precisly, the ace of hearts should be deck[0]. but it's not. the 2 of hearts is deck[0].
it goes thru fine up thru the hearts, then the clubs, then the spades...then, at the very end, i get the 0 (zero) of hearts. i know that the error HAS to be here..

void CDeck::createDeck(void)
    clearDeck();              //clearDeck(void){ deck.clear(); }
    CCard c;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)           //for each suit.....
        for(int j = 0; j < 13; j++)    //create 13 cards
                c.set(j+1,j+1,i);        //param 1 = rank, param 2 = value , param 3 = suit
                deck.push_back(c); //deck is of type vector<CCard>
                                                //declared in the class header
but i just can't find it.
