I am having a problem with my code. Here are the error messages:

In file included from runSortedLinkedList.cxx:18:
SortedLinkedList.h:2: error: conflicting types for `typedef int ItemType'
ItemType.h:9: error: previous declaration as `class ItemType'

runSortedLinkedList.cxx: In function `void FileToList(SortedType&,
std::ifstream&, std:fstream&)':
runSortedLinkedList.cxx:62: error: request for member `GetItemFromFile' in `
item', which is of non-aggregate type `ItemType'
runSortedLinkedList.cxx:71: error: request for member `PrintLstFullErr' in `
item', which is of non-aggregate type `ItemType'
runSortedLinkedList.cxx:73: error: request for member `GetItemFromFile' in `
item', which is of non-aggregate type `ItemType'
runSortedLinkedList.cxx:79: error: request for member `PrintEmptyLstErr' in `
item', which is of non-aggregate type `ItemType'
runSortedLinkedList.cxx:85: error: request for member `GetItemFromFile' in `
item', which is of non-aggregate type `ItemType'
runSortedLinkedList.cxx: In function `void ListToFile(SortedType&,
runSortedLinkedList.cxx:105: error: request for member `WriteItemToFile' in `
item', which is of non-aggregate type `ItemType'

All of which i believe is the problem of what is highlighted in red. Here is my code:


#include <fstream.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

const int MAX_ITEMS = 10;
enum  RelationType {LESS, EQUAL, GREATER};

class ItemType
  public :
//  PURPOSE: To set each variable with a default value
//  INPUT: none
//  PRE: all variables exist
//  OUTPUT: none
//  POST: default data is assigned
//  NOTE: none

    ItemType(int id, float exam1, float exam2, float final, float prog, 
    float quizzes, char addOrDelete);   
//  PURPOSE: This is used to initialize values to variables
//  INPUT: id, exam1, exam2, final, prog, quizzes, addOrDelete
//  PRE: all variables are assinged and ok
//  OUTPUT: none
//  POST: id, exam1, exam2, final, prog, quizzes, and addOrDelete are 
//  assinged
//  NOTE: none

    RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType) const;
//  PURPOSE: This comapres one item of ItemType to another item to return 
//  either greater, less, or equal
//  INPUT: ItemType
//  PRE: ItemType is valid and assinged
//  POST: That less, greater, or equal is returned
//  NOTE: none

    char GetItemFromFile(ifstream& inFile);
//  PURPOSE: This will read the items from an inFile, and will also 
//  determine what variables to read by it's first character
//  INPUT: inFile
//  PRE: inFile is opened and OK
//  OUTPUT: addOrDelete
//  POST: all variables are assinged and addOrDelete is returned
//  NOTE: none
    void WriteItemToFile(ofstream& outFile) const;
//  PURPOSE: This will write all variables (id, exam1, exam2, final, prog, 
//  and quizzes, to an outFile
//  INPUT: none
//  PRE: outFile is opened and OK
//  OUTPUT: outFile
//  POST: all variables are assigned to the outFile
//  NOTE: none

    void PrintLstFullErr(ofstream& outFile) const;
//  PURPOSE: This will print the error message when the list is full and 
//  is trying to be added too
//  INPUT: none
//  PRE: list is full and trying to be written to
//  OUTPUT: outFile
//  POST: error message is written to outFile
//  NOTE: none

    void PrintEmptyLstErr(ofstream& outFile);
//  PURPOSE: This will print an error message when the list is empty but
//  a line is trying to be deleted from it
//  INPUT: none
//  PRE: list is empty and is trying to be deleted from
//  OUTPUT: outFile
//  POST: error message is written to the outFile
//  NOTE: none

  private :		
    int id;
    float exam1;
    float exam2;
    float final;
    float prog;
    float quizzes;
    char addOrDelete;       
} ;	


#include "ItemType.h"
typedef int ItemType;	// Node definition

struct NodeType
  ItemType info;
  NodeType* next;
class SortedType
  // Constructor
  // Postcondition: Empty list is created

  // Destructor
  // Postcondition: List is destroyed

  SortedType(const SortedType& otherList);
  // Copy-constructor
  // Postcondition: List is created as a duplicate of otherList

  bool IsFull() const;
  // Determines whether list is full.
  // Post: Function value = (list is full)

  int  LengthIs() const;
  // Determines the number of elements in list.
  // Post: Function value = number of elements in list.

  void MakeEmpty();
  // Initializes list to empty state.
  // Post:  List is empty.

  void RetrieveItem(ItemType& item, bool& found);
  // Retrieves list element whose key matches item's key 
  // (if present).
  // Pre:  Key member of item is initialized.
  // Post: If there is an element someItem whose key matches 
  //       item's key, then found = true and item is a copy 
  //       of someItem; otherwise found = false and item is 
  //       unchanged. 
  //       List is unchanged.

  void InsertItem(ItemType item); 
  // Adds item to list.
  // Pre:  List is not full.
  //       item is not in list. 
  // Post: item is in list 
  // (added)  //       list order is preserved

  void DeleteItem(ItemType item);
  // Deletes the element whose key matches item's key.
  // Pre:  Key member of item is initialized.
  //       One and only one element in list has a key matching
  //       item's key.
  // Post: No element in list has a key matching item's key.

  void ResetList();
  // Initializes current position to end of list for iteration 
  // through list.
  // Post: Current position is at end of list.

  void GetNextItem(ItemType& item);
  // Gets the next element in list.
  // Pre:  
  // Post: If Current position is at end,  currentPos points to head of list, 
  //       else item is  copy  of  element at current position. 
  //       Advance current position.

  void Print(); 

  NodeType* listData;
  int length;
  NodeType* currentPos;


#include "SortedLinkedList.h"
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
void FileToList(SortedType& intList, ifstream& inFile, ofstream& 
// PURPOSE: To take an item from the GetItemFromFile function, and to add
// it if addOrDelete was 'A' or delete it if addOrDelete was 'D'. Also to 
// print error messages accordingly.
// INPUT: intList, inFile
// PRE: intList is declared, inFile is OK, outFile is OK
// OUTPUT: outFile
// POST: An item(s) were written to intList with an error message if 
// according
// NOTE: none

void ListToFile(SortedType& intList, ofstream& outFile);
// PURPOSE: To print the list to a file as long as data exists in the list
// INPUT: intList
// PRE: intList is declared and OK, outFile is OK
// OUTPUT: outFile
// POST: All items are written to the outFile
// NOTE: none

int main()
   ifstream inFile;
   ofstream outFile;
   SortedType intList;

   FileToList(intList, inFile, outFile);
   ListToFile(intList, outFile);

   return 0;

void FileToList(SortedType& intList, ifstream& inFile, ofstream& 
   ItemType item;
   char addOrDelete;

   addOrDelete = item.GetItemFromFile(inFile);
   while (inFile)
      if (addOrDelete == 'A')
         if (!intList.IsFull())
            ListToFile(intList, outFile);
         addOrDelete = item.GetItemFromFile(inFile);
      else if (addOrDelete == 'D')
         if(intList.LengthIs() == 0){
            ListToFile(intList, outFile);
         addOrDelete = item.GetItemFromFile(inFile);

void ListToFile(SortedType& intList, ofstream& outFile)
   ItemType item;
   int length;

   length = intList.LengthIs();
   outFile << "STUDENT ID" << setw(6) << "EXAM1" << setw(10) << "EXAM2"
           << setw(9) << "FINAL" << setw(9) << "PROG" << setw(14)
           << "QUIZZES" << endl;
   for (int count = 1; count <= length; count++)
If you need any of the .cxx for the ItemType or the SortedLinkedList let me know. Any help on this situation and how i can fix it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!