I have a problem, when I try to compile the Random.cpp, the compiler said I have these problems.

c:\documents and settings\misia\my documents\homework\cosc2406\feb7\random.cpp(30) : error C2572: 'getRandomNumber' : redefinition of default parameter : parameter 2

c:\documents and settings\misia\my documents\homework\cosc2406\feb7\random.cpp(30) : error C2572: 'getRandomNumber' : redefinition of default parameter : parameter 1

c:\documents and settings\misia\my documents\homework\cosc2406\feb7\random.h(37) : see declaration of 'getRandomNumber'

Here is my Random.h
#ifndef RANDOM_H
#define RANDOM_H

// System Include Files
#include <cstdlib>

// User Defined Include Files
// Namespaces                       
//using namespace std;

// Other Preprocessor Commands
// User Defined Types
// Function Prototypes
// Global Variables - Don't use unless const!

class Random
// Public Types
// Public Attributes (State)
// Public Methods (Behavior)

	//*** Constructor(s)/Destructor ***
	Random( unsigned int newSeed );

    //*** Accessors ***
    bool operator== ( const Random& rhRandom ) const;

	bool operator!= ( const Random& rhRandom ) const;
	unsigned int    getRandomNumber( unsigned int min = 0,
                                     unsigned int max = RAND_MAX ) const;
	unsigned int getSeed() const; 

	//*** Mutators ***
	void reseed();
	void setSeed( unsigned int newSeed );

// Private Types
// Private Attributes (State)

    unsigned int seed;

// Private Methods (Behavior)
    //*** Accessors ***
    //*** Mutators ***

and here is my random.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include "Random.h"

using namespace std;


Random::Random( unsigned int newSeed)

bool Random::operator ==( const Random& rhRandom ) const
	return (rhRandom.getSeed() == getSeed());

bool Random::operator !=( const Random& rhRandom ) const
	return !operator==(rhRandom.getSeed);
unsigned int Random::getRandomNumber( unsigned int min = 0,
                              unsigned int max = RAND_MAX ) const
	int range;
	int randomNum;
	range = RAND_MAX - min;
	randomNum = rand() % range;
	return randomNum + min;
unsigned int Random::getSeed() const 
	return seed;

	//*** Mutators ***
void Random::reseed()
void Random::setSeed( unsigned int newSeed )
	seed = newSeed;
Can you guys give me some advises how to figure this problems?
Thanks a lot.