Hey everyone I posted this the last timei n the wrong forum but any who I altered TuTorial #2 the imput age one and it wont print my answer. I tried something some one pointed out in the other post (for got I went to the Prograsming for windows section) and his suggestion dident work. Here it is. Beaware I am a C++ newb lol

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()						 
	int age;					 
	cout<<"Please imput your age: ";	
	cin>> age;					 
	if ( age= 13> 49) {
		 cout <<"Your Young!\n";
	else if ( age= 1> 12) {
			 cout <<"You are really young!\n";
	else if ( age= 50> 84) {
			 cout <<"Your getting Old!\n";
	else if ( age= 85> 99) {
			 cout <<"Your getting real old!\n";
	else if (age= 100> 103) {
			 cout <<"Damn your still alive!\n";
	else if (age= 104> 10000 ) {
			 cout <<"Your Dead get over it!\n";