I'm trying to make a very basic database but it it's either not writing to the array properly or it's not printing the data properly, and i have no idea why, i've been trying to figure it out all nght. Maybe i've made a mistake with the variables i and np, any ideas? thanks

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()
    struct member
           char name[50];
    int choice = 0;
    int np = 0; //Number of members on database
    int i; // Member pointer

    while (choice !=3)
         cout<< "\nWhat would you like to do?";
         cout<< "\n 1. Add a member";
         cout<< "\n 2. View current members";
         cout<< "\n 3. Exit";
         cout<< "\n Choice: ";
         cin>> choice;
         cout<< "\n";
         switch (choice)
                case 1:
                     if (np < 10)
                         cout<< "Name: ";
                         cin>> member[np].name;
                         np = np + 1;
                         cout<< "The database is full!";
                case 2:
                     i = np;
                     for (int i; i > 0; i--)
                         cout<< member[i].name;