Thread: Linked Lists : removeduplicate(); problem.

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Mar 2005

    Linked Lists : removeduplicate(); problem.


    I'm doing the linked list excercises from Currently I'm on #10, removeduplcate();. It takes a linked list that is sorted and then removes all duplicates. I've written some code and doodled on paper how it should work, however, it keeps going on in an infinte loop, somewhere, and I'm not sure where =P Here's the code. I've ommited the parts that don't have any use.

    struct Node{
           int data;
           struct Node * next;
    void Push(struct Node **Head, int data){
         struct Node * NewNode = new Node;                 // Makes a new node and a pointer 'NewNode' to it
         NewNode->data = data;
         NewNode->next = *Head;                            // Sets the next field to point at what headpointer is pointing at
         *Head = NewNode;                                  // Copies the pointer of NewNode to HeadPointer
    void Read(struct Node * HeadPointer){
         struct Node * Current = HeadPointer;    
         cout<<"[ ";            
         while(Current != NULL){
                       if( Current->next != NULL)          // Checks to see that if there is a node after the current node
                           cout<<" , ";
                       Current = Current->next;
         cout<<" ]"<<endl;
    void RemoveDuplicate(struct Node * HeadPointer){
        if(HeadPointer !=NULL){                            // Only work if the list isn't empty.
             struct Node * Current = HeadPointer;
             struct Node * NextNode;
             struct Node * Temp;
             while(Current->next != NULL){                 // Cycle through the list...
             NextNode = Current->next;
                      while(NextNode->data == Current->data){
                                           Temp = NextNode;     // Temp will hold the "middle node"
                                           NextNode = NextNode->next;   // Advance nextnode to the third node..
                                           delete Temp;     // Delete the middle node
             Current->next = NextNode;                      // Link the first node to the third node
    The error is somewhere in the above code ^

    int main(){
       struct Node* Nodelist  = NULL;      
    Push(&Nodelist, 3);Push(&Nodelist, 2); Push(&Nodelist, 2); Push(&Nodelist, 1); Push(&Nodelist, 1);
    The program goes off in an infinate loop somewhere in the middle of Remove Duplicate. I'm not sure where, however :|


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Mar 2005
    Oops, I think I see the error...

    I have
    NextNode = Current->next;
    Current->next = NextNode;

    That doesn't look like it does anything special.. Oops.

    Edit: Fiddled with the function so that it looks like

    void RemoveDuplicate(struct Node * HeadPointer){
        if(HeadPointer !=NULL){                            // Only work if the list isn't empty.
             struct Node * Current = HeadPointer;
             struct Node * Previous;
             struct Node * Temp;
             while(Current != NULL){
                    Previous = Current;
                    Current = Current->next;
                    while(Current->data == Previous->data){
                                        Temp = Current;
                                        Current = Current->next;
                                        delete Temp;
                                        Previous->next = Current;
    But hey, guess it what, it doesn't work D:
    Last edited by InsideTheAsylum; 03-03-2005 at 05:23 PM.

  3. #3
    vae victus! skorman00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    the inner while loop can crash because Current can become NULL. Test it out on paper with a list containing all duplicates.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Mar 2005
    void RemoveDuplicate(struct Node * HeadPointer){
         if(HeadPointer != NULL){                          // Only work if we have something to check for
                        struct Node * Previous;            // Create the pointers
                        struct Node * Current = HeadPointer;
                        struct Node * Temp;
                        Previous = Current;                // Previous will point to the "original" node to check against. The
                        Current = Current->next;           // node after it willl be deleted if it's the same as the original
                        while(Current != NULL){            
                                      if( Current->data == Previous->data){ // If two nodes next to each other are the same
                                          Temp = Current;  // Set temp to point at the second copy..
                                          Current = Current->next; // Advance current to point to the third node
                                          delete Temp;     // delete the copy (middle node)
                                          Previous->next = Current; // Connect the first node to the third node
                                      else{                // if two adjoining nodes aren't the same..
                                          Previous = Current;  // Advance the previous pointer...
                                          Current = Current->next; // Advance current
    Yeah, that's what I ended up doing.. it.. *seems* to work ok...

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