I'm trying to make a simple binary search tree. Each node has a char data type, and a pointer to a char. For the tree class, this information needs to be filled in when inserting items. I am having troubles inserting the character array. Here is my class. I am trying to keep this simple, no complications needed.

#include <cstring>

class bNode
		char ch;
		char *code;
		bNode *left, *right;
		bNode() { ch = 0; }
		~bNode() { delete code; }
		char getCh() { return ch; }
		char* getCode() { return code; }
		void setCh(char c) { ch = c; }
		void setCode(char *c)
			code = new char[strlen(c)+1];
			strcpy(code, c);
The program just crashes, and I've searched and found that the crash occurs on the call to setCode() for a node. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?