Hi there, I'm trying to learn C++ with no past programming experience, and I have encountered a problem.

You see, I made this program which works perfectly:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int password;
    cout<<"Please enter the password (made of 4 numbers) to learn the two rules of success: ";
    cin>> password;
    if ( password == 1337) {
         cout<<"The two rules of success are:\n 1.Never tell everything you know.";
         else if ( password >= 1300 || password <=1400 ) {
              cout<<"Close enough, but this is not the password.";
              else {
                   cout<<"Get out of my sight, this is not even close to the password!";
The problem is that when I try to change the bolded line to:

else if !( password >= 1300 || password <=1400 ) {

the program says there is an error: syntax error before '!' token.

What's wrong with my program