Hello everyone.....

I've learned a lot in the last few days, thanks to all of you and the tutorials on this site. Thanks most sincerely.

So.... what I've learned so far is how to write a half-functioning/half-not-functioning data entry program using arrays. I'm getting it... I'm almost there.... My question is this:

I'm getting a weird number appearing on the line after the data entry. It's the same number every time : 1244532

Obviously I've done something wrong. Is anyone willing to give me a hint? Loop weirdness? Some sort of missing statement after the data entry? Gremlins?

Also... sort of the same subject... I seem to be bracket impaired... are there any handy tips for figuring out where they need to be placed and proper indentation thereof?

#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>

ofstream fout;

int main ()
    // variable declarations
    double array [65];
    int i, j, index, data;

    // alphabetized variable dictionary
    //  i is vertical spacing
    //  j is horizontal spacing

    fout.open ("prompt.txt");

    // this is a program to store data in a single array
   cout << setw (50) << "  " << endl;
   cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
   cout << setw (50) << "Storing Data in an Array" << endl;
   cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;

      // press any key to continue
      cout << setw (50) << "Press return to continue" << endl;
      clrscr ();

    // run program until user is done

      // set initial values to 0
      data = 0;
      index = 0;

      // prompt the user for the next data
      cout << endl << endl << endl << endl<< endl << endl << endl << endl;
      cout << setw (60) << "Enter -1 for end of data; Enter next data # " << data +1  << ": ";
        cin >> array [index];

      // display data entered
      cout << setw (38) << " : " << array << endl;
      index = index +1;
      data = data +1;
      cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;

    while (array [index -1]!= -1);
          // ask the user to verify accuracy of data and to correct any errors
          cout << setw (60) << "Enter index of incorrect data; Enter 0 for none: " << data << ": ";
    fout.close ();
    return 0;