So I think I am done with the program and it's working fine, that's the code, if there are any comments please add them here.
Thank you,


#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
	int iN, iM, x1, x2, n , N, M;
	float counter = 0;
	int sum;

	n = 6;
	N = 10;
	M = 5;

	for ( iM = 1; iM <= M; iM++ )
		srand ( (unsigned) time (NULL) );		//Initialize RNG
		for ( iN = 1; iN <= N; iN++ ) // Loop over the sequence
			x1 = rand( ) % n + 1;	// Generate a number from the sequence
			cout<<x1<<" ";			// Print it
			x2 = rand( ) % n + 1;	// Generate a number from the sequence
			cout<<x2<<endl;			// Print it

			sum = x1 + x2;

			if((sum==7) || (sum==11))
				counter += 1;		


	cout<<"Average Probability: "<<(counter/M)/N;

	return 0;