when i run this code.. the output is all wrong.. can u help me out?
the formatting looks all weird here.. but when cut and pasting it back to vc++ makes it readable...

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>

// Node class definition:
template <class Item>
class Node // Node for use with the Stack class defined below.
{ // Data items stored in a node must have a copy
public: // constructor.
Node(const Item& data);

void setData(const Item& data); // Mutators
void setNext(Node* next);

Item getData() const; // Accessors
Node* getNext() const;

Node* _next; // Pointer to the next node.
Item* _data; // Pointer to the data contained in the node.

// Default Node constructor:
template <class Item>
_next = NULL; // Default is an empty node with no next node.
_data = NULL;

// One parameter Node constructor:
template <class Item>
Node<Item>::Node(const Item& data)
_data = new Item(data); // Makes copy of the input data.
_next = NULL; // No next node by default.

// Node destructor:
template <class Item>
if (_data != NULL) delete _data; // Give back the memory for data storage.

// Node mutators:
template <class Item>
void Node<Item>::setData(const Item& data)
if (_data != NULL) delete _data; // Prevent memory leaks.
_data = new Item(data); // Makes a copy of the input data.

template <class Item>
void Node<Item>::setNext(Node* next)
_next = next;

// Node accessors:
template <class Item>
Item Node<Item>::getData() const
return *_data;

template <class Item>
Node<Item>* Node<Item>::getNext() const
return _next;

// Stack class definition:
template <class Item> // A versatile stack ADT.
class Stack
Stack(); // Default constructor.
~Stack(); // Destructor (doesn't need a copy constructor).

void push(const Item& entry); // Mutators
Item pop();

int empty(); // Accessors
Item peek();

Node<Item>* _top; // Data are stored in a sequence of linked nodes.

// Stack default constructor:
template <class Item>
_top = NULL; // Empty stack by default.

// Stack destructor:
template <class Item>
Item temp;

while (_top != NULL)
temp = pop();

// Stack push() implementation:
template <class Item>
void Stack<Item>:ush(const Item& entry)
Node<Item>* temp;
temp = new Node<Item>(entry);
_top = temp;

// Stack pop() implementation:
template <class Item>
Item Stack<Item>:op()
Item temp = NULL;
Node<Item>* next;

if (_top != NULL)
temp = _top->getData();
next = _top->getNext();
delete _top;
_top = next;
cout << "Attempt to pop an empty stack!";
return temp;

void main()
Stack <int> intStack;
int popInteger, i;
cout << "processing an integer Stack"<< endl;

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){

for (i = 4; i>0 ; i--){
cout<<popInteger<<" popped from Stack"<<endl;