okay, I've been trying this all day and I can't get it to work for the life of me. I'm trying to fill an object from a data file then possibly make changes to it and put it back.

the data file looks like this:

Battlefield Earth //title of a book
L. Ron Hubbard //author of the book
3 //copies of the book in the database
15.95 //price of the book

here's the class headers:
class Book
    void operator = (const Book& b1);
    Book();              //sets title and author to empty strings
                             //copies to 0 and price to 0.0
    string get_title(); //returns title
    string get_author(); //returns author
    void set_title(string str); //changes value of title
    void set_author(string str); //changes value of author
    void set_copies(int num); //changes value of copies
    void set_price(double p); //changes value of price
    int get_copies(); //returns copies
    double get_price(); //returns price
    void print(ostream& outs); //outputs all the data in the format 
                                               //I showed above
    void fill(istream& ins); //fills the values
    string title;
    string author;
    int copies;
    double price;

//here's the second class

typedef Book* Bookptr;

class Library
    Library(const Library& l1);
    void operator = (const Library& l1);
    Library(); //sets size to 1 and allocates memory for books
    void search (); //searches by author or title
    void  print(ostream& outs); //prints books in format above
    void add_new(const string& s1, fstream& file); //adds a new 
//book to the library or increments the number of copies if it is
//already in the database. this is the function I've been having 
//trouble with
    void fill(istream& ins, int& num); //input function
    void total(); //adds up price of all the books and prints it
    void delete_book(const string& s1); //deletes a book from the 
//library, another one I'm having trouble with
    void check_out(const string& s1); //checks a book out
    void random(); //prints a random book
    int size;
    Bookptr books;
    void resize(Bookptr& b1, int& num);

//all of these functions work really well, the only problem I'm 
//having is that my data file never gets permanently edited even 
//when I want to. here's the definitions of the functions that 

void add_new(const string& s1, fstream& file)
  Book b1;
  string str;
  int temp;
  double temp_price;

  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    if (new_title == books[i].get_title())
      temp = books[i].get_copies() + 1;
//if the book isn't in the database already, the rest of this 
//function gets its info from the keyboard, puts it into the books 
//array, and prints it into the data file. that works fine, the part 
//above is what I need help with. I need to know how to scrap 
//the old value of copies and print the new one out to the same 
//place. I was thinking of something like this:


  //but every time I try that it just deletes the data file and 
  //doesn't fill it again
ultimately what I'm going to need to be able to is open the file and fill a Library object from it. then I need to be able to edit it. and I need to be able to change individual lines of it. I can't figure out how for the life of me. the easiest way I think would be to delete the file then reprint the new data

if you need more code I can provide it, but I can't think of any that you'd really need. none of the other functions are called in this piece of code