Once I have multiple objects created, I need to be pick and object and then grab a specific material for it. Lets say I grab the steelBall and need to get the info from the mat class for the steel material or glassCup and need to grab the glass material from the mat class. The way i am trying to do this is in the obj class have a variable, matID, and compare it to the matID in the mat class. Hope i explained this well enough.

#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

const double gravity = 9.8;

//Object Class
class obj
	string objName;
                double matID;
	double objMass;
	bool objRoll;

class mat
                double matID;
	double objWeight;
	double objDensity;

int main()
obj steelBall, glassCup;
mat steel, glass;

steelBall.matID = 0;
steelBall.mass = 5;

steel.matID = 0;
steel.weight = 3;
steel.density = 5;

glassCup.matID = 1;
glassCup.mass = 3;

glass.matID = 1;
glass.weight = 2;
glass.density = 2;

     return 0;
}//end main()