Im looking for cross-platform compatible 64bit And 8Bit integer datatypes to use. It is my understanding the 64bit ones are somewhat compiler specific, but i can hope cant i? Im using Visual C++ 6 on the dark side, and on the light im running G++ 3.4. The 8bit one is probablly what drew you to auctually click on this thread, and yes im aware that technicly unsigned characters could do the job, but im looking for a true one like __int8. Also i understand that if i wanted to store 8 bytes, i could use a double, however thats not interpited as an integer, and my needs are more complex than simply storing a binary value. Attempting to use substitutes for either of the 8 or 64bit integers always makes one compiler or the other extremely unhappy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.