Is there a good and bad about this design?

I'd like to look deeper into a good design of a class, mainly that would assumably be instantiated multiple times and used on the heap where bitmaps and other data would be included for objects that might be a couple hundred or many hundreds of bytes at a time, or mb's.

class SomeObject


        a = 0;
        b = 0;
        x = 0;
        y = 0;

    void SomeObject(int it)

        a = 0;
        delete b;
        delete  x;
        delete[]  y;

    void InitObject(int it)
        a = it;
        b = new int(it);
        x = new SomeThing(it);
        y = 0;

    void ChangeTheItems(int it)
        if(y != NULL)
        delete[] y;

        y = new SomeItem[it];

    SomeItem* UseItems(void)
        return y;

    //other functions here...


    int a;
    int* b;
    SomeThing* x;
    SomeItem* y;

What happens when this class is instantiated with these examples:
SomeObject one;
SomeObject two(3);
SomeObject* buckle = new SomeObject(2);
SomeObject* shoes = new SomeObject[100];

// blah lbah

delete buckle;
delete[] shoes;
Any offerings about this?