i am coding a network chat client, an di am having trouble with the receive part.

i'm not sure how to get whats received and print it out onto the screen, i think i have to get whats received and place it in the receive buffer then print it to the screen and clare the buffer. but i am not sure how to do this

	for (;;) 
		gets(sendBuffer);								//takes input from keyboard
		if (strcmp(sendBuffer, "quit") == 0)			//if quit was typed then end client

		unsigned long messagelength = strlen(sendBuffer);		//get size of message

		messagelength = htonl(messagelength);					//fix byte ordering

		if ((nbytes = send(mysocket, (char*)&messagelength, sizeof(messagelength), 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) 
			cout << "Send Failed!" << endl;						//send the message size

		messagelength = ntohl(messagelength);					//refix byte ordering

		if ((nbytes = send(mysocket, sendBuffer, messagelength, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) 
			cout << "Send Failed!" << endl;						//send actual message

		unsigned long messagesize = strlen(receiveBuffer);

		messagesize = htonl(messagesize);

		if ((nbytes = recv(mysocket, (char*)&messagesize, sizeof(messagesize), 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) 
			cout << "Receive Failed!" << endl;						

		messagesize = ntohl(messagesize);

		if ((nbytes = recv(mysocket, receiveBuffer, messagesize, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) 
			cout << "Receive Failed!" << endl;						
please give me an idea