I've inputted a sting (a name) and also inputted a number. However, when this runs the second time (Twice per program, usually), the second person's stats do not appear when couted. Can someone help?

#include <iostream.h>

	int Loop;
		char OneName[21], TwoName[21], Choice;
		int OneHealth, TwoHealth;
		cout << '\n';
		cout << "What is Player 1's name? (20 char. max) ";
		cin.get(OneName, 21);
		cin.ignore(5, '\n');
			cout << '\n' << "How much life does " << OneName << " have? (Range: 150-500) ";
			cin >> OneHealth;
		while ((OneHealth < 150) || (OneHealth > 500));
		cout << '\n';
		cout << '\n';
		cout << "What is Player 2's name? (20 char. max) ";
		cin.get(TwoName, 21);
		cin.ignore(5, '\n');
			cout << '\n' << "How much life does " << TwoName << " have? (Range: 150-500) ";
			cin >> TwoHealth;
		while ((TwoHealth < 150) || (TwoHealth > 500));
		cout << '\n';
		cout << OneName << " has " << OneHealth << " health and " << TwoName << " has " << " health." << endl;
		cout << "Is this correct? (Y/N) ";
		cin >> Choice;
		if ((Choice == 'Y') || (Choice == 'y'))
			Loop = 10;
	while (Loop != 10);
	return 0;
BTW, is there a way to use a CLS-like command (like in QBASIC and DOS) in C++?